02 Nov 5 Noviembre 2020 – Únete a nuestro próximo Webinar: Tecnología de Vacío mediante Bombas Secas
Curso Webinar dirigido a: Ingenieros y profesionales técnicos de la industria química y
petroquímica en posiciones responsables del diseño, dimensionado y selección de un equipo de vacío
para dar servicio a sus procesos productivos, así como ingenieros de mantenimiento al cargo de
estos equipos, usuarios responsables de la producción o inclusive compradores técnicos con
curiosidad para conocer en más detalle estos equipos.
Fecha evento: Jueves 05 de Noviembre | 11 am
Duración: 60 min
Idioma: Inglés
Contenido y agenda
• Welcome and instructions, CAPERVA introduction and speaker presentation (5 min)
• Vacuum technology and its basics -> why vacuum is need it? how to size and fix flowrate,
vacuum levels, basic sizing and typical engineering set up of a vacuum system (5 min)
• Different vacuum technologies available in market -> types of vacuum pumps, why dry or wet?
main characteristics and differences among each system (10 min)
• Dry vacuum pump technology, state of art available (25 min)
o Technology features
o Product characteristics – modular concept and configuration options
o ATEX requirements and possibilities for solvent applications and hazardous area
o Typical applications into chemical and petrochemical industry – these will be adapted
to audience interest survey done at registration among these
▪ House vacuum, central system servicing multiple process units
▪ Reactor service, polymerization reactor
▪ Distillation process
▪ Vacuum filtration
▪ Evaporation
▪ Solvent recovery, pervaporation
• Key considerations to choose right vacuum pump – key for success and performance (10 min wrap up and open discussion)
• FAQs open to audience (5 min)
Dr. Don Collins: Dr. Collins is the Senior Chemical Engineer responsible for
NASH’s Chemical & Pharmaceutical Dry Pump Applications Engineering and
identifying value-added vacuum solutions to help expand the company’s
chemical dry pump business globally. Dr. Collins, a chemical engineer for over 35
years, has over 25 years of specialized experience designing successful dry
vacuum systems installed around the globe on many types of applications.
Christoph Weber: Industry Manager Chemical + Oil&Gas EMEA at Gardner
Denver NASH. 10 years KAM for Chemical comp